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Do You Need Help?

Dyslexia Questionnaire

Answer the following questions, to the best of your ability, to help determine the likelihood of dyslexia in your child.

Section 1

  1. Do you have an otherwise bright child who struggles with language processing?

  2. Has your child ever been held back in school?

  3. Is your child currently on a 504 plan, or has the school discussed the possibility of a 504 plan?

  4. Is your child currently on an IEP, or has the school discussed the possibility of an IEP?

Section 2

  1. Does your child make friends easily?

  2. Is your child empathetic? Do they readily identify with the feelings of others?

Section 3

  1. Had your child developed a dominant hand by the age of 3?

  2. Does, or did, your child have ambidextrous tendencies?

  3. Does your child confuse which is their left or right hand?

  4. Does, or did, your child commonly reverse letters and numbers when reading and writing?

  5. Was learning to read the time on an analog clock difficult for your child? (A clock with hands)

  6. Did your child have difficulty learning to tie their shoes?

Section 4

  1. Was anything ever mentioned regarding a delay in your child's speech development? 

  2. Did your child struggle with stuttering early in life?

  3. Does your child often have difficulty finding the correct word when speaking?

  4. Does, or did, your child commonly confuse syllables in words? (i.e. hospital - hopsital)

Section 5

  1. Did your child have trouble memorizing the alphabet? (If you are unsure, have them write it using lowercase letters.)

  2. Did your child have difficulty memorizing the days of the week, or did they need to use a musical aid?

  3. Did your child have difficulty memorizing the months of the year, or did they need to use a musical aid?

  4. Has learning math facts been challenging for your child?

Section 6

  1. Does, or did, your child have difficulty learning to rhyme?

  2. Is your child a slow reader for their age?

  3. When reading, is guessing a common strategy for your child?

  4. When learning to read, was your child dependent on contextual clues? (pictures)

  5. Does, or did, your child commonly skip or change articles or prepositions when reading? (The small words, if, and, but, the, etc.)

  6. Does your child have difficulty sounding out unknown words?

  7. Does your child have poor reading comprehension?

  8. Is your child's reading choppy and broken?

Section 7

  1. Is your child a poor speller for their age?

  2. Is your child's written expression poor for their age?

  3. Is your child's written expression below their verbal expression?

Section 8

  1. Does your child have parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or first cousins, who also have difficulties with reading, writing, or speaking?

  2. Does your child dread school?

  3. Does your child pretend to be ill in order to avoid school?

Section 9

  1. When writing, does your child use a gross motor skill grip or a fine motor skill grip when holding a pencil?

  2. When writing, do your child's letters float up and down, or sit nicely on the line?

  3. When writing, is your child's spacing between words and letters neat and consistent, or erratic?

  4. When writing, will your child begin at the margin or start at odd places on the paper?


  1. If you answered "Yes" to:

    • having a bright child who struggles with language processing (Reading, writing, spelling. speaking)

    • having a close relative with similar difficulties

    • being a poor speller for their age

  2. And answered "Yes" to at least three additional questions


Then your child does indeed have a high likelihood of dyslexia. Please, contact us, we can help.



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